Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jerusalem. 5.5.09

DAY 2!!!
We spent all day UP in Jerusalem. This place really opened my eyes to the absolute TRUTH of the Bible. Being here, I guess, I sort of felt that much more connected to Jesus. To walk where He walked was pretty RAD!
Couldn't figure this one out...maybe they took it apart, numbered it so it would be easier to put back together. This was at a little mall before we actually saw the walled city.
FIRST VIEW of the walled city!
Entering the Jaffa Gate.
We went up to walk around part of the wall. Arrow slits to surprise unsuspecting victims. The construction was incredible.
The date says 1969...when it was restored, I think.
Love you Papa!
I still can't believe we were here.
I couldn't resist.
It's believed that Herod's Temple was here, partially buried.
We are still up on the wall...not sure what's in the background, but it looks cool.
Goofing around with our tour guides.
I just wonder who sat here years and years ago...I'm sure there were people with playful spirits, too =).
Upper Room.
Bill, Daddy, Kendra, and I sang Amazing Grace...everyone in there stopped to listen...some joined was really powerful.
I guess when in Israel, you have to get a picture with some IDF guys, so we did. I asked them if anyone ever asked for their autograph...they both laughed.
Western Wall, also known as the Kotel.
There is a men's and women's side.
Daddy praying. Head coverings required for the guys.
This was so cool to pray here, not because it has any special powers, but to know that Jesus has such a heart for all those around me.
We arrived shortly after the celebration of Israel's Independence Day, so the flag was flying EVERYwhere...very cool for pictures.
Prayers in the wall.
Two Orthodox Jews.
Muslim Quarter.
After a family travels to Mecca on the Pilgrimage, they come back and decorate their home. Here is one home representing a proud family.
The T-shirt man..."best quality...cheapest price...." You gotta love bargaining.
I liked this moment...the two Muslim women walking, and the Israeli Police driving by. Such a mixture of religion in Jerusalem.
Kendra explains the King's Game, which is thought to be what the guards played before they dressed Jesus in the robe with the crown of thorns.
Down in a very large cistern.
At the place where it's believed Jesus was beaten before carrying the cross. Jesus met me so close here...tears filled my eyes in thankfulness.
You can see the markings in the stone, where the guards probably played this game where they would elect one of the other guard to be king for the day, then they would kill him.
The parallel to Jesus is crazy.
Precious girls that Jesus loves, too.
HUGE gate!
I actually forgot the name of this gate...oops...
Mount of Olives...this was TOO cool...there were 3 horses just grazing as we read the passage in the Bible when Jesus came up here with His disciples before Judas kissed Him. It's also called the Garden of Gethsemane.
From here, you can see the city...not too far away, so when they walked over here, it wasn't too much walking.
There is the Eastern Gate and the Dome of the Rock.
When Jesus returns, this gate will no longer be closed!!! He will come through the Eastern Gate!!!

Daddy watched busy workers prepare for the Pope's visit...He was to visit just a few days after us. I'm glad we left before - it was probably going to be insane with people.
Absalom's Tomb. You can kind of see me...that's how big the tomb is.
If you can't read this, it says: "One of the stones in the wall, bears a Hebrew inscription 'and you shall see and your heart shall rejoice and their bones like grass shall...' - a biblical verse somewhat altered. The circumstances of the inscription are unknown."
It's there on the rock just above the little bit of grass coming out of the wall.
Where the Robinson's Arch used to be. You can see the remnants on the wall in the background.
Ancient bean bag chairs. Funny thing...when I sat in it, little pebbles acually poured out of that hole by my left hand...haha!
Acts 3 took place right here. Peter healed the lame man at the Beautiful Gate, and he went away walking and leaping and praising God!
My Dad marks Caiaphas' dwelling place.
The Garden Tomb!
Golgotha has now turned into a parking lot for sad.
Place of the Skull - you can see the furthest apart caves look like the eyes.
Thanking Jesus, while standing right near where He was crucified leaves me with no words.
He Is RISEN!!!
In front of where many believe Jesus was laid for 3 days, but He's not there anymore!
Just a small, humble tomb...
We had communion while in the Garden Tomb - that was cool.
Bye bye Jerusalem...not sure which gate this is many gates.

Walking back to the car, we found a yellow and pink lion - we had to get a picture...I mean, c'mon, you're only in Israel once, right? (Well, I actually would LOVE to go back - Lord knows).
We popped in to meet the students of the Bible school for a very brief 10 minutes.
Bill coming down the school stairs.
Lebanese food.
My very first Shawarma, EVER! I highly recommend them.
We took this for Abby and Emma...

Thank you Jesus for an incredible time in Jerusalem! This was one of the hundreds of highlights for me in Israel...we are proof, that you can do a whole lot in 3 days in Israel...with the right tour guide, that it - ours ROCKED!!! (Day 3 coming soon...our day up in the Galilee area.) Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Jerusalem with us. Love Linz


Craig Brewer said...

Thanks for the pictures and commentary!

Stephanie Gaddis said...

wow, that was incredible. I hope the fam and I can go someday. I so blessed that you went and could share the experience with us.

lindsey hutchinson said...

I'm so glad you guys are enjoying the blog! It makes me excited when you leave comments. Linz

quinn said...

just amazing!! thank you so much for sharing! i love the pic of you in the ancient bean bag chair:) although it made me miss you the most:)

lindsey hutchinson said...

Thanks Quinn! It wasn't the most comfortable bean bag chair...haha! Miss you too! Can't wait to one day meet your precious son.