Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ballet Highlights 7.3.09

Emma & Abby danced beautifully!
Their performance was at an outdoor theater in Limassol. Emma danced in "Cloud 9," which was so picturesque with the gentle breeze and their costumes. They really looked like angels.
In both of these pictures, Emma is the second from the left.
Such a great little dancer!
Above, Abby was one of the Sylphs in "La Sylphide."
This dance was called "Grand Tarantella." Abby's solo included high kicks - very impressive.

"Let them praise His Name with dancing."
--Psalm 149:3


Craig Brewer said...

Great job with the pictures Lindsey!

lindsey hutchinson said...

Thanks Craig! Your photo feedback is cherished...my brother is actually in a photo class right now, and I hear he's doing quite well. Thanks for checking out the blog. - Lindsey