Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bookshop, Baby, and Beach 7.09

Welcome back!
It's been a while...maybe not for you, but for me. Have fun with these pictures.

This is what I look like volunteering at our new Christian Bookstore in Pafos, called Inspirations. It's so much fun!

Leading worship at Calvary Chapel Cyprus is such a blessing.
The happy couple with the new addition: Ricci, Josiah James, and Claire.
We had a time of sharing what God put on our hearts for Ricci and Claire and their new journey with a kid...I shared Psalm 127..."Sons are a heritage from the Lord...blessed is the man whose quiver is full."
Claire is a natural. Such a beautiful Mommy.
David shared wisdom from God's Word. It looks like Josiah is actually attentive...probably not, but it looks like it.
Gathering around to pray for Josiah.
Tim was able to anoint him with oil as we all prayed that he would grow into a strong man of God.
It's amazing how new parents just radiate. Even with lack of sleep, Ricci and Claire are shining.

Tim lifeguards while Emma goes out on her maiden voyage.
Emma and Dan Paul.
Emma and I are totally in sync. She did a great job following, as I led us around the bay.
We had so much fun!!!

I thank the Lord for opportunities to take a little break and enjoy His creation!!!
I hope you enjoyed the photos. --Lindsey


CTrax said...

Yay for great beach fun! Can you believe it's August and I haven't been to the beach since late spring?!? What the heck am I DOING here in California?

lindsey hutchinson said...

Alright Callista,
it's time to break out of your four walls and hit good ol' Zuma...go toward the end - it's less crazy. Don't go to Tower 7, whatever you do. Love you!!!

Sir William said...

Hi friend. I went surfing with Brad Poteet the other day. And Tad told me today I could use his new long board for the next 9 months. I wasn't sure if I'd make it in this state until November when you get back... but this lure may work.

Can't wait to see you.


lindsey hutchinson said...

Haha! Can't wait to see you Jeff! (still hard for me to call you just "Jeff," by the way..I'll get over it). The last time we surfed together was El Salvador. I have that picture up on my wall here. Glad you're going to make it alright. Tad is so cool. His sister is here with us right now from Israel. Looking forward to serving with you again,
