Monday, February 2, 2009

Surf Lesson 1.27.09

Home Sweet Home.  Get used to pictures from Helios Beach.  It's our little get-away.  
This is at our surf spot, Helios.  These tables come in handy to keep the boards out of the sand.  Also, Kony quite enjoys digging a hole and laying in it.  Renae, thanks again for the board - I'm loving it!
Tim is so amped on surfing...
I like this creative dismount...very smooth. =)
Abby and Kony.
Dan, our newest surf student, almost up on his first wave.
Sean making it look easy, as always, on his 9'0."
There were some pretty sweet lines coming in.  They can be T.O.A.D. waves sometimes, though (Take Off And Die).
How to surf 101 (or how not to...haha!)
Once the wave gives you momentum, attempt to stand up.
Shred a gnarly bottom turn...don't forget to stick out your bum.
Now, stick out your bum even further - it might help you, or might just make you look like a kook, like me.
Hoot and Holler because you are stoked you got a wave.  Never stop smiling, EVER.
Always take one last might just have to go back out.
Chase pup up and down the beach.  Okay, lesson over.
Tim's victory lap.
This is what I call team work.  It reminds me of when my sister and I used to take off my dad's boots after work when we were little.
So long farewell, I now must WAVE good-bye.
I am a dork, and I don't even try...
Good byyyyyye....
(All together, now) Good BYYYYYYYYYYEEE!
(I'm laughing so hard right now that I'm so entertained by my own cheesiness).

1 comment:

Stephanie Gaddis said...

at least we are not the only ones that sing that song, although it's usually when we are deliriously tired from visiting too long!!!