Monday, March 2, 2009

Lice! 2.26.09

I thought you only get lice when you're little...haha!  Not in Cyprus.
Darlene shampoos my hair with the special green goop.  Kony smelled it and ran the other way.
This was such a bonding experience.
Kill 'em...kill 'em all!
Classic shot with Sponge Bob in the back.  Great job Emma!
My head is all tingly.
I look like a muffin on St. Patrick's Day.
Emma's turn...she's such a ham.
Shampoo time.
I think she's saying that her heart is sad that she has lice.
Which brand lice shampoo is YOUR favorite?
Boiling my poor brush.
Darlene is so cute with her green muffin top.
Tim makes his look cool.
Booboo lip Abby.
"Momma, what are you doing to me?" says Abby.
All done!  Aren't I cute?
Tim and Abby give this de-lice party two enthusiastic thumbs up.
Just to clarify...lice is quite common in Cyprus with the schools and ballet studios, etc...I used to link it with being dirty and gross, but really, it's just something you deal with in Cyprus.  I feel more like a native, now =).


Anonymous said...

Funny pictures. Looks like everybody had a good sense of humor about it.

Brad & Tammy Poteet said...

These photos are hilarious!! Our favorites is Tim with his green muffin top and hoodie on! hehehe... It was so hot the summer we were there that I guess it was too hot for the lice to attack us. Instead we just about got eaten alive by mosquitoes. I counted I think 20 on one foot once! Just my foot alone! There sneaky little boogers!! The one pic of you getting treated and boiling your poor brush--too funny! What a special day that must of been. You should of took a family portrait with all of you wearing your green muffin tops!!