Thursday, March 26, 2009

Princess for a Night 3.23.09

This is what happens when I'm in charge...haha!
Tim and Darlene were able to have a little getaway to a local hotel, so it was just me and the girls and Kony, of course.  We had a Princess Dinner.
Beautiful Princesses.
Yes, I can't deny it....I LOVE dressing up!  Doesn't every girl, no matter her age, want to be a Princess?  Daughters of the King =).
Emma let me wear the yellow dress, because I obviously would not fit into the others.
After eating our baked potatoes, as we were washing dishes, Abby came up to me and said, "I'm glad you still like playing dress-ups."  That really blessed me.  I told her that I'm glad they let me play with them. =)
Proper Princess Eating.
After this, we watched Pride and chick night.
Miss Princess Abby.
Miss Princess Emma.
The boom box in the background played beautiful harp music as we dined.
How every Princess really can't be one if you can't have fun!

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