Monday, March 9, 2009

Monastery in the Mountains 3.5.09

A fun day out!
Darlene, Sue, and I visited a monastery above a village called Peyia.  I really enjoy history, and this was a little bit of some of that...
This is a doorway of a home that was carved into the rock, as you can see below.
A young monk lived here in the 1100's - he died at the young age of 18.
Sue and Darlene - such incredible women of God.
Here's a better look...the outer building is newer, but you can see tiny doors above where this young man must have had other rooms.
How could I let a photo op like this pass me by...any excuse for a bit of good fun (I'm starting to sound British =P)
Self-portrait...because I can.
Ummm...stairs and a door - nothing special, but I felt like being artistic.
What the Monastery looks like when you walk up to it. 
Without the haze, you can see the Mediterranean Sea from here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi dear seems that you are having the time of your life...Is good to spend it all to the glory of GOD, isn't it? We are glad to see all your pictures. Greetings from Valencias