Monday, March 16, 2009

Troodos Mountains! 3.10.09

Snow (round two)!
We brought better plastic and rented a sled this time!  A good time had by all.
Abby and I defeat the hill.
Hi Emma!
Hi Abby!
Darlene and Tim hike back up after showing us all how it's done.
This is called the left hip slide.
To the the right...
It's all about style.
Treck back up.  Thankfully, the hill was quite small.
Tim is stoked on the plastic.
Emma and I embrace the tandem plastic.
Sister helper.
Emma's face is priceless here.  The girls LOVE the snow!!!
A successful run for Emma.
CRASH!  It's too late.  We've sunk!
Tim and Emma take the plastic for a whirl.
Proud Daddy.  Darlene was taking pictures...proud Momma, too =).
And what would the snow be without one of my feet pictures? =)  I hope you enjoyed these.  Love Linz

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