Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year's Eve! 12.31.08

Happy New Year!!!
We went to Bryan and Bernadette's home for New was a fun night.  As I was loading these pictures, Darlene giggled and said that everyone's going to think that all we do is play.  Next time I get pictures of our everyday chores and work, I'll load those, but until then, enjoy the fun!!!
Claire, Bernadette, and I rock out - good ol' kereoke.
Tim sings "Pretty Woman" to his beautiful wife Darlene.
The shades really add to the character.
Darlene smiles at her hubby.
Bryan and Ricci peek to see where that noise is coming from.
I think we were singing to Dido or something like that.
Tim and Ricci embrace the songs of Elvis.
Ricci really getting into it - I think Claire, his wife, was filming.
You gotta love the Wii - Repoan shows his bowling skills.
Golf clap...
Abby shows us what her 9-iron can do.
Bryan's turn.
Yes, I guess golf can be this exciting for the spectator.
Dance, dance Revolution!
Darlene joins Emma for a little dancing.
Leia and Emma were the pros.
Greek Tradition!
Every New Year's, everyone gets a piece of the New Year's cake.  If you get the coin hidden in the cake, then you're supposed to have blessings for the year - Bern got it!!!
Playing pass the parcel.  I've never heard of this game, but really enjoyed it.
The gift has many layers, and when the music stops, the person holding it gets to unwrap the outer layer and take the small prize.
The last person gets to open the main prize.  No, I was not the last person.
What did you get Abby?!
Darlene plays with the camera - I'm getting worship ready to ring in the New Year.
Cool angel decoration - good job Darlene.
We spent about 20 minutes in prayer and worship.  It was a really cool way to end the year and begin the next one.
Fireworks outside...
Happy New Year!!!
the reason we have crowns on our heads is from another tradition.  You pull these cylindrical 'crackers' (like our poppers), and a crown and small toy pop out of them.
So excited for all the joys and blessings of the next year!
Yee Haw!
Emma enjoys the noise makers.
Claire excited...or are you, Claire? =)
Thanks for coming to our New Year's party with us.  I pray that you each are blessed as God gets to write the new story of 2009.  Love Lindsey

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