Friday, January 2, 2009

Guinness Book Record! 12.31.08

Pafos makes it on the map!  
We have officially set a Guinness Book Record for the largest Gyro.  It contained 8,867 pounds of meat!  Yummy...Take a look - you might just be as grossed out as I was...sadly, most of this meat went to waste, but we got the record!
Orange cones to prevent cars from ramming the pile o' meat.
Check out the meat juices that are slinging off the piece.
They worked for hours on piling this fountain of flesh.
This guy was joking with Darlene and I..."10 euros for a picture."
The other guy said only 5 euros.  They were enjoying the flocks of attention from passer-by looky loos, like myself.
Here, some local Cypriots watch in amazement.
Quite a spectacle.
This is the Town Hall decorated and ready for the New Year's Eve festivities: music, giant gyros, Greek dancing, belly dancing, fireworks, you name it...


quinn said...

that is jonathan's dream gyro! he ate those everyday when we were in greece:)

Stephanie Gaddis said...

Ok, the huge gyro is really gross but I have a suspicion that ALex would LOVE it!