Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Typical Sunday 1.18.09

Welcome to a Sunday Morning at Calvary Chapel Cyprus!  
It is also known as Calvary Christian Church.  Service meets in our living room, as you can see here.
Saturdays are spent cleaning the house and preparing for Sunday morning.  I enjoy helping with this - I have my iPod, broom, mop, vacuum, and I'm ready to clean...Tim and I usually tag team the cleaning of the church area.  Darlene mans the kitchen and bathrooms.
Leia, Abby, and Emma help lead the motions for "Waves of Mercy."
I think the girls really enjoyed this - it was our first song of the set this morning.  Our fellowship loves to move around =).
Ollie, Tim and I have fun leading the song.
Lawrence, Paulette, Claire, Ricci, Sue, Allan, and John.
Sue and Allan get into the motions.
Little Emmanuella claps her hands with all of us.
Jump around...jump around...na, na, na, na, na, na, na...
Thank you David Crowder.
The whole crew!
It's such a blessing to be able to worship Jesus so freely!
God is so Sovereign in His perfect callings.  I'm thankful to be a part of this fellowship.
As you can see, I'm using Tim's guitar.  Mine is having technical difficulties.  You can pray that I can find someone that will be able to fix it.  Thank you.
After service, the girls put on a play for us.
This room is very multi-purpose...church service, dramas, ping pong, dancing, playing with Kony, tent camping (the girls had a sleepover camp out a few days ago), taebo workout videos etc...
The girls do such a great job writing the scripts and acting.
Emma and Leia played sisters who didn't want to share, and Abby helped them understand the importance of sharing.
Ricci and Claire - such a sweet couple!
Paulette and Lawrence enjoy the show.
A common 'after-church' activity.  The British call it table football, also known as fooseball.  From where you are reading this, you would be standing in the door way of my room.  That's kind of fun...Okay, thanks for coming to church and hanging out with us!  Lord bless you all so much.  Again, thank you for your continuing prayers for me, for my Visa, and for the work that Jesus is doing here.  God's purposes are perfect!  Love Lindsey 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your updates even if I don't always comment - I always read 'em!!

love Crystal