Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Dinner.

Christmas Dinner was wonderful!  It was very international...England, Scotland, Bangladesh, and America were represented.
Darlene, Claire, and Sue (Abby in the background).
Sean, Bryan, Allan, and Ricci in front.
Bern and Claire.
Buffet on the table tennis board.
I miss sitting at the kid table - it's always more fun =).
Just before I called my family on Skype to be with them for their Christmas morning.
Spoons...a great group international game.
Plastic spoons don't alway work...but it makes for an exciting game...crack, break, plastic flies...
I brought my computer over with my family on Skype.  Chelsey said, "Stop cheating, Tim."  Then Tim retorted with, "Hey, stop looking at my cards."
Good fun had by all.
Sean took Emma's bike for a spin.
Repoan, Tim, Bryan, and Rivon.
Chatting with Sue and Allan.  Allan is a vet, and I hope to visit the ex-race horses at the sanctuary near his clinic soon.

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