Sunday, December 21, 2008


There are many donkeys in Cyprus.  This one was just hanging out in a field.  Tim pulled over so I could take pictures.  They are learning my language :)  Enjoy this cute furry, 4-legged friend.

This cute face makes me miss my horse, Molly, back home.  Tanner, thanks for taking care of her for me.
He was so mellow - I probably could have jumped on his back if I wanted.
It's almost as if he's saying, "Another tourist...I'll put on my best face - HeeHaw."
Who hugs donkeys?
Donkey didn't know this about me, did you?
Emma joined me for a photo op.

I thank the Lord for the little things.  I was really missing my horse the other day, and God brought a donkey - he often uses donkeys, doesn't He?  The Bible is full of humble donkeys.  I call this one Hank.  Thanks again for taking a peek into my life here in Cyprus.  I do thank you for your prayers and support!!!  God is using it for His glory.  Love Lindsey

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's so funny! I was doing a story about George Washington's donkeys he got from the Knight of Malta and when I shared that with Doug Gresham he sent me a photo of a donkey from Malta!! :)